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Hi I'm Jacqui, 
I am passionate about helping women feel 
"More than Enough" and help them to create
a life they LOVE!

I love a salted caramel icecream
(only proper ice made from cream) and walking in Nature can truly change my emotions
and make me feel great!

Jacqui In Heather

A little bit about me

Having worked for 25 years as a Bowen Therapist and 18yrs as an Instructor, I often wondered why the odd client didn't get results as most were astounding. Sometimes the odd client didn't respond and at first I thought this was nutrition, so I studied Health Kinesiology but over the years I see it's the traumas stored in the body that stop recovery. Until you deal with that trauma it's never going to go and stay away.

This lead me to a variety of treatments to deal with this, getting to the root cause is key. Asking what is the body trying to tell me and when was the earliest memory of this.

Clearing it in a way that is painless and gives the person a new perspective of where it came from and how they can deal with these things in the future is so empowering.

So I combine my Bowen work often with this emotional/trauma release if appropriate,  I get amazing results because it's on all levels we are dealing with it. Mental, physical and spiritual.

This lead me to empowering women and helping and coaching to them really change their lives. Leaving the procrastination and negativity a thing of the past as they unveil themselves, as the layers of programming are released. In fact my newest Art painting is of just that, a womans face emerging from layers of programming.

My Art is also designed to empower, to encourage Inspiration, Growth and Freedom.

I paint a lot of women, some in this growth stage and some already with their wings! Flying high!

I also do Workshops to inspire with Texture abstract Art so it's not only for the talented but for everyone.

So all in all my work is to make you FEEL better!

Transformation of the Physical, Emotional Bodies to bring Freedom, Ease and Flow!

My Bespoke Soul Oil Paintings are part of a journey with your Higher Self. We connect on Zoom, I find out what you REALLY want in Life and you FEEL into having that. Once you are there I ask your Higher Self to indicate YOUR words for your Painting. I do this via a Pendulum and Charts.

You choose the colours and Spirit animals and any symbols, this raises the frequency of your painting higher and as i paint I imbue it with Light and Love.

The idea is that when you feel a bit off, inclined to procrastinate etc, you can ask " What would SHE do?" This future self would take ACTION, so it inspires you, Action creates change.

Jacqui with Painting

After 25 years as a hands-on and remote therapist, I realised how much the mind influences the state of the body. This led me down a fascinating path of treating my clients in a highly effective way from anywhere in the world.

However, it was only when I started working with my clients' Limiting Beliefs that I realised we all have a Magic Wand and can change *everything* in our lives.

And that's the gift I want to give you.

-- Then I finally found my purpose, helping Women feel they are More than Enough, helping them to realise they don't need to fix themselves, teach them where all this programming began and how to Recode it.
My Mission is to change as many lives as possible with this very effective and powerful work. 

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Jacqui on the phone

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Image by Magic Bowls
Image by Fallon Michael
Jacqui painting
Jacqui's painting and brush
Jacqui's brushes
Image by pure julia
Image by Samuel Austin
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